
Our Diamond Bag has been expertly crafted to provide its wearer with a look that is strikingly modern, yet also refined. With a triangular panel of leather set within a diamantine cut of technical fabric mesh, our Diamond Bag offers its owner a truly cutting edge design.

All of our bags are made using ethically-sourced leather from Portugal. The company we partner with shares our values concerning sustainability and therefore does not use any unnatural chemicals during the production process. All hardware on our bags, with the exception of metal buttons, is coated in 24 karat gold.

Please note that because all of our bags are individually handcrafted, if a bag is not currently in stock then construction and delivery will take 3-6 weeks. We will advise you of the precise turnaround time via email.

Bag Height: 76.5cm

Bag Breadth: 61cm

Arm Opening: 25cm high, 15.5cm wide, 62cm circumference

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